Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Week Ten

-Where is the line between math and science? Is mathematics a science?
Well, what really is science too. Dictionary.com says:
Science is a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.

Maybe anything can be considered a science too because subjects are usually based on facts though maybe not liberal arts as they have more interpretations. Still there are computer sciences and engineering which deals with a lot of science too so where do you draw the line of whether its a pure science like biology, physics and chemistry, to where it is applying science Why is it that biology, physics and chemistry are the main sciences? Either way, you need math to do science but you don't need science to do math most of the time!

- Does training in mathematics effect your thinking in all areas of life? Do mathematicians think differently? - Do mathematicians think alike?
Yes a math background does effect the way you think in other areas but that same can be said for other subjects. A lot of people say that mathematicians think differently but everyone thinks differently. Its not like all of us think of the same things, all the time. It depends on how you learned it and everything else.

- Is mathematics independent of application meaningful?
Yes, because you never know when it can become applicable to someone else at some other point in time. A lot of time with the research, people always ask why are you doing that or how are you going to use that for anything important? And all research is important and all of it is useful for something.

- Would it be appropriate for the university to offer a course on the mathematics of gambling?
Probability is probably the closest the school is ever going to get with a course on the mathematics of gambling.

- When we write down equations to describe the real world, how do we know the success is not just coincidence?
If you can prove that the equation you wrote is true with a solid mathematical proof, it should work right?

- Some people are incapable of understanding mathematics.
It depends on the mathematics really. In some sense, everyone can understand math because you use math everyday. But its interesting to observe that it is perfectly ok for people to say that they hate math but if someone was to say they hate reading, it is really looked upon as something bad because so many people say that they dont understand math. I think it depends on the culture and if the particular culture finds that its acceptable to say that you don't like math.

1 comment:

Du said...

Valid point. That was a interesting one to me because I had struggles in maths and I use to hate when people look down on others who weren't as sharp when it came to mathematics. I think some people are just naturally good at math. while others may require the extra attention. Granted, everyone should be able to add but like nick said it does depend on the foundation. Maybe this comment strayed a little but ehh lol