Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Week Two

Comments on the Speakers:
I thought that Gloria gave an accurate description of all the main things we learned in lab, but I thought that the physics student after her expressed "the research expierence" with more appeal to the audience. He kindof touched upon all different scenarios that could happen in researching and how different ones could mean to be expressed as different traits for a potential employeer. The aspect he brought up that I found to be the most interesting was doing research for a different institution. I enjoy doing research but so far the only research expierence I have is in Delaware so now I'm considering different possibilities for next summer because he was right when he said that it looks good that you do research but if you only did research in one place then how is the employeer going to know if you can handle a different area. Besides, I kindof find it as a good excuse to go to a different place. I like to travel and being able to stay in one place for a long time and really get to know it while doing research is the best. Last summer when I was here, I really felt like I could do more and find out more things about the department and Delaware that I wasn't able to find out when I was just taking courses during the semester and that was really fun. Enough so that I wouldn't mind going to a new place just to see what other interesting things can be learned from doing a summer away.

I thought the projects were really interesting too. I thought Dr. Braun's project on eye lids looked interesting. Isn't is also suppose to be true that you never actually close your eye completely when you blink? The biology project is interesting too.

What is mathematics? :
I think that matematics is a tool used to descibe most things in the world. It is a broad enough subject that majority of the fields of study use mathematics for projects and explanations. However, mathematics is not just about definitions that are used to come to a conclusion of a problem. It is a subject that have been built upon since mathematics was first discovered being used in the Orient in 2000 B.C. by the Babylonians. It is also a subject that will be continued to be built upon long after too. Mathematics is the study of using the knowledge from the past and discovering new knowledge to explain or better understand situations.
I thought the text was interesting. It kindof makes me want to take Math308.

1 comment:

John said...

Hi Lucero,

I think you should look into research opportunities outside UD at some point. It would be a great broadening experience for you...might help you figure out what to do with the rest of your life!

Interesting comments about "What is mathematics?" but I'm not sure I agree with your definition. I do agree that math is a useful tool - but it seems that there is more to it than that... Suppose I asked you to define physics? What would you say? How would answer differ from that of defining math?