Thursday, February 8, 2007

Week One

Name: Lucero Carmona
Year: Sophmore but Junior by credit
Major: Mathematical Sciences BS
Minor: Computer Science, Art History, Spanish

Math Courses:
Math242 - Calculus II
Math243 - Calculus III
Math210 - Discrete Math
Math302 - Differential Equations
Math349 - Linear Algebra

Favorite Math Course:
I liked Differential Equations the most so far because I liked how it related to real world situations. I liked how I could see a purpose for everything we did.

I would like to have a further idea of what to do after undergraduate studies by learning more about what is available for a math major. I would like to know what I should do with the rest of my life, and I hope to see other possibilities and alternatives.

Least Favorite Math Course:
My least favorite math course was Discrete Math because I like applied applications more than theoretical situations. I don't like proofs that much.

1 comment:

John said...

Thank you - interesting comments. If you think of anything or anyone specific you'd like to see or hear from this semester, just let me know.